Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Homemade Body Scrub

As winter turns to spring, most of us are in need of a good scrub to get rid of dead dry skin cells. For years I've been making my own exfoliater because I'm allergic to all the harsh fragrances and chemicals found in more store-bought body scrubs. Here's how I make it....

2 Cups Epsom salts You can use sugar for a finer grain scrub, but note that the oil dissolves the sugar faster and your batch won't last as long. 
3/4 Cup light olive oil or safflower or grape seed oil, in a pinch you could even use vegetable oil (if you don't want to smell like a salad, skip the olive oil and look for something else)
5-6 drops essential oil, like grapefruit or lavender (you can find this at most health-food stores)
5-6 drops water based food coloring *optional*

In a large bowl stir together salt and oil until salt is moistened but not an oily mess. Add essential oil and food color. Stir together and store in an air-tight container.  This amount is good for about 2-3 weeks of scrubbing.

Use in the shower or add a few handfuls to your bath water.  Try not to let water get in the container as it will slowly dissolve the salt.  

Caution: Your shower will be slippery.....

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